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Als dein Life- und Karrierecoach helfe ich dir, den richtigen Karriereweg für dich zu finden, zu verfolgen und dir das Leben aufzubauen, das zu dir passt und dich erfüllt.
Was auch immer das Richtige für dich ist – ein Berufswechsel, die ersehnte Beförderung, zurück ins Berufsleben finden oder sogar das Abenteuer Selbstständigkeit wagen – lass uns das zusammen verwirklichen!


Was kann man sich darunter vorstellen?

 Coaching ist eine Partnerschaft zwischen dir und mir als dein Coach, und bildet die Grundlage eines kreativen und zum Nachdenken anregenden Werdeganges, der dir Klarheit und Selbstvertrauen bringt. In mehreren Konversationen werden wir herausfinden, welchen Karriereweg und Lebensentwurf du verfolgen möchtest indem wir uns deine Werte, Stärken, Interessen und Bedürfnisse genauer ansehen.   


Erkunde neue Wege und mach die ersten Schritte vorwärts.

Finde deine Richtung

und erkenne durch Life- und Karriere-Coaching was dich zu einem erfüllten Leben und Beruf führt.

Erreiche deine Ziele

Es kann schwierig sein, dir die richtigen Ziele zu setzen und darauf hinzuarbeiten. Ich werde dich dabei unterstützen, deine Ziele nicht aus den Augen zu verlieren.

Erfolg im Job und Karriere

Verdiene deinen Lebensunterhalt mit einer Arbeit, für die du morgens gerne aufstehst und mach‘ Karriere ohne dich aufopfern zu müssen.

Gesundes Selbstvertrauen

Kenne deine Stärken und nutze sie in Vorstellungsgesprächen, deinen Beziehungen und im Beruf.


Investiere in dich selbst und lerne wie du ein mutiges und authentisches Leben führen kannst.


In geschätzter Zusammenarbeit mit

"Our sessions helped me to understand what I really need in a job and what type of job really drives me. You helped me realize where I get my motivation from to find my way in the professional world. The sessions allowed me to be really organized and to elaborate a real plan of action to find my next career move. The sessions and exercises you gave me really pushed me to think differently so I can find the answers to all of the questions/doubts that I had, it was really life-changing for me"

C.V. | Marketing Professional in Cork
1-2-1 Life and Career Coaching Client

"Thank you Dana...your questions were powerful and the session made me take time to reflect on something I wouldn't have otherwise. I think you have lots of creativity with the topics you are bringing to your workshops and I find that very inspiring"

S.H. | Speech and Language Therapist in Cork 
Group Coaching Client and Workshop Participant

"I’m finding coaching sessions with Dana very rewarding.She is open and approachable but clear and insightful, without ever being intrusive. She has an amazing ability to allow you to see familiar things about yourself in a whole new way. She does this by inviting you to express yourself and then guiding you, through questions and observations that allow you to see and understand yourself in a whole new light. She helped me realise I had been taking a lot of things about myself for granted, and to see what is needed to find a way out of old paths and routines that I had been following without even being aware of. With the benefit of her sessions, I’m looking forward to making new ones"

D.C. | Web Designer in Cork
1-2-1 Life and Career Coaching Client

"Thanks Dana, my coaching call with you yesterday was very beneficial and gave me that extra boost I needed and courage to have belief in myself and my abilities. Most importantly to trust in the process and let it unfold one day at a time"

J.E. | UCC MSc Student
1-2-1 Life and Career Coaching Client

"Thanks for today's workshop, it was great. It was the first time I clearly understood what a goal was, how to set it, what exactly a vision was and a mission and how they are all connected. I found the mountain visual was instrumental in this. I guess I'm a visual person but you took the mystic out of it, thank you"

M.C. | Interior Designer in Cork
Goal-Setting Workshop Participant

"Dana is an excellent life and career coach! I have been lucky to attend one of her courageous goal-setting workshops recently and I was amazed by the originality of some of the strategies she shared with us. She definitely has her own unique style and she is very supportive. You are in safe hands with her"

Fatou Barry | Resume Writer and Career Consultant & Coach
Workshop Participant

"Thanks Dana, your class was so very enjoyable and certainly gave me a lot to think about over the next few days. It was very uplifting and I look forward to the next one"

Caroline O’Sullivan
Group Coaching Client

"Dana always managed to establish a family-like feeling of comfort and ease right at the beginning of each session - which I had the pleasure of attending so far - and I always left highly motivated, with improved confidence and ready to turn good advice into effect right away"

Andreas Haas | Business Owner in Germany
Group Coaching Client

"Dana makes me think outside the box and that makes me realize even more what encourages me the most. I'm looking forward to continue the work with her. I love it, thanks!"

R.S. | Youth Worker in Germany
1-2-1 Life and Career Coaching Client

"Dana held a very practical workshop on courageous goal setting and offered different strategies in which people can get one step closer to achieving their goals. She looked at three different goal setting techniques and also offered some common disruptions one may come across when trying to achieve courageous goals. Overall, I learned many different tips and tricks that I have now started using to keep track of achieving any goals I have!"

Megan Farr | Marketing Specialist
Workshop Participant

"Dana's approach to coaching is both coaxing and challenging to find the answers within yourself and it works!"

M.C. | Business Owner in Cork
Group Coaching Client

"I just attended Dana's Webinar on setting priorities. Once again, Dana made me step out of my tiny nutshell and got me thinking about life, my situation and what's slowing me down. By using the image of a pyramid, being filled with all the priorities I set for myself in life, she helped us participants to individually get a sneaky view of our actual situation in life and what keeps us going. [...] Dana sure does have the ability to ignite a flame of thought, a flame that puts an exposing light onto my current behavior, a flame that triggers some immediate action and get going, heading for some redirecting changes. Thank you."

Andreas Haas | Business Owner in Germany
Group Coaching Client

"I absolutely adore Dana! She has a real gift of making you realize what you need to do in order to reach your goals! One year ago I was a broke, unhappy university student with unresolved emotional issues who was a hardcore procrastinator. After some one on one time with Dana I understood what I had to do and today I have since graduated uni, gotten a full time job, faced my issues and am in a happy place! None of that would have happened if not for Dana. 10/10 recommend"

L.A. | Community Manager in Germany
1:1 Coaching Client

"Dana and Sara ran a fantastic workshop on stepping out of your comfort zone. It was really thought provoking and good way to think about what makes people fall into a comfort zone. I really enjoyed the workshop and am looking forward to what will be coming up in the next few months."

Olivia Schmidt | PhD Student at UCC
Workshop Participant

Online Coaching

Meine Coaching-Räume sind in Cork City und Glanmire in Irland, jedoch haben wir über Zoom die Möglichkeit zusammenzuarbeiten von wo auch immer du wohnst oder dich befindest. Generell sind alle Sitzungen online außer du möchtest dich persönlich treffen, was zu einen Aufpreis von EUR 20 pro Sitzung möglich ist.

Über Dana


  • Advanced Diploma in Executive & Life Coaching mit Neurowissenschaften
  • QQI 6 Award in Professional Coaching Practice and Ethics
  • B.A. in Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaften
  • Special Purpose Award in Training and Development

„Ich bin eine deutsche Auswanderin und lebe seit einigen Jahren in der Grafschaft Cork in Irland. Ich habe es zu meiner Mission gemacht, anderen zu helfen, ein erfülltes Leben zu führen, da ich selbst über längere Zeit Karrierewege verfolgt habe, die weder meinem Wesen noch meiner Leidenschaft entsprochen haben und auch durch persönliche Herausforderungen viel über mich selbst gelernt habe.“

Legal Details
Contact details
+353 (0)83 851 8663

Social Media

© 2024 by Dana Fuelles Coaching